Lighthouse Cove next to Pemaquid Point. Click on the image for a larger view.
Tag Archives: Maine Coast
Sea Urchin
Dusk at Pemaquid Point
Fluid Dynamics
In Bath, Maine
Early Winter Sunset
Last Saturday felt like early winter. Naomi and I took a trip to Bailey Island. The air was dry, clear, and cold. Usually, the atmosphere is too humid to allow the sun sitting on the horizon to directly illuminate the land, but not this Saturday—within about a minute of taking this image, the sun sank below the horizon, taking the light with it. Click on the image for a larger view.
Fort Point State Park
In Stockton Springs is one of Maine’s numerous lighthouses. Fort Point Light Station does not have the cachet of others like Portland Head, Pemaquid Point, or Bass Harbor. The 1857 lighthouse and keeper’s house are an example of the erratic nature of New England architecture that is pieced together over decades or centuries, but seems to turn out well. The park is also home to the earthworks of the 1759 British Fort Pownell.
Naomi and I arrived at the park late after getting lost—that is how we discovered Sandy Point Beach State Park. The park closes at sunset, and, with an area of 120 acres, we did not have time to enjoy all of it. Click on the image for a larger view.
Sandy Point Beach State Park
At the northern end of Penobscot bay in Stockton Springs is a small small state park. This time of year, it is mostly inhabited by locals coming out for a stroll by themselves or with their dogs. Most people have a smile or greeting for strangers.
While maybe not the most exotic place in Maine, Sandy Point Beach has a long history going back to the paleolithic. The artifacts that most visitors see belong to the 20th century. These pilings are from an abandoned wharf of a fertilizer plant that closed in the 1970s. As you can see from the exposed seaweed clinging to the pilings, this is low tide. Click on the image for a larger view.